The Pregnancy Center is a registered 501c3

our mission
Our centers exist to offer women alternatives to abortion by modeling the love of Jesus Christ through compassionate lay-counseling and the resources to empower her to make a life-affirming decision.
“God doesn’t call the qualified,
He qualifies the called.”

Our Walk for Life is October 19th at Secret Lake Park. 

Come check out our newest location!

The Pregnancy Center of Winter Park

 This beautiful facility at 2425 Lee Rd,  right off I-4 will serve the women of Winter Park, Eatonville, Maitland and Altamonte Springs.

God has given us another opportunity to be the hands and feet of Jesus in an area of great need!


churches partnering with our ministry

volunteers, staff members and board members serving our clients

women received life-affirming medical care, counseling, education & the gospel of Jesus Christ

“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my
mother’s womb.”
Psalm 139:13
“For you created my inmost being; you knit me together in my
mother’s womb.”
Psalm 139:13
baby bottle campaign
The Baby Bottle Campaign is an easy and fun way for your church or group to support The Pregnancy Center! We provide you with as many bottles as you need, bulletin inserts, posters, and a step-by-step guide for how the Campaign works and more! You distribute the bottles – one to each person, group, or family – to be filled with coins, cash, or checks.
When you return the filled bottles to The Pregnancy Center, we’ll count the contents and let you know how much your church or group raised! The Campaign can bring significant support for the women we serve.
give hope
Get involved in giving hope today.

Every 20 seconds in the U.S., a baby is lost to abortion. That adds up to 1.2 million lives lost each year. More than 90,000 of those abortions take place in Florida, and about 13,000 of those happen right here in the greater Orlando area. But YOU can change that!

When you choose to partner with us, your support empowers Central Florida women and men to choose life for their unborn baby and to find love in Christ. The Pregnancy Center is a registered 501c3 non- profit ministry.

“A little over four years ago I went to your center almost certain I was pregnant. Not only did you help bring me back from panic mode,
you helped me realize that I could
do this, again! Thank you will
never be enough”
“A little over four years ago I went to your center almost certain I was pregnant. Not only did you help bring me back from panic mode,
you helped me realize that I could do this, again! Thank you will never be enough”
“I know of no ministry in Sanford more vital to the well-being of the community than the Sanford Crisis Pregnancy Center. It truly embodies the compassion of Christ.” 
Dr. R.C. Sproul,
Saint Andrew’s Chapel Founder of Ligonier Ministries
“I know of no ministry in Sanford more vital to the well-being of the community than the Sanford Crisis Pregnancy Center.
It truly embodies the compassion of Christ.”

Dr. R.C. Sproul,
Saint Andrew’s Chapel Founder of Ligonier Ministries

what we’re up against


The Pregnancy Center is a registered 501c3 non- profit ministry.  Would you, your family, or organization prayerfully consider standing with us financially?  Every penny makes all the difference in the life of
a woman facing an unplanned pregnancy.


Join in our Annual Baby Bottle Campaign, attend one of our fundraising banquets or Walk 4 Life event to learn more about the ministry and celebrate life with other supporters.


Serve on the front lines of bringing hope! Volunteer a few hours each week to serve women facing an unplanned pregnancy in our community. We’ll provide all the training you need to start saving lives.

“Dear children let us not love with words or speech but with actions
and in truth.”

1 John 3:18

“Dear children let us not love with words or speech but with actions
and in truth.”

1 John 3:18